Finale v27 running very slow

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Finale Version: Finale27
Operating System: Windows

Post by davepace » Fri Sep 10, 2021 3:26 pm

I Upgraded to v27 two days ago from 2014.5 in the hope that this would solve major time lag problems that have developed the past few weeks. This lag is particularly evident in scrolling and lyric entry. I would expect some lag when working on a large multi part document, However, I mainly use Finale for one part lead sheets (average 64 bars).

The upgrade did not solve this problem so I emailed MakeMusic asking for help and enquiring what their refund policy was.
Their response was to direct me to two articles which did not relate to my problem e.g. one article was for a Mac system (I use Windows10 Pro!).

Still waiting for them follow up on my MakeMusic Ticket#378922.

Fortunately I can still use 2014.5 so I can continue working (very slowly) on my projects.

Would really appreciate any ideas forum members my have re solving my problem.


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Post by motet » Fri Sep 10, 2021 4:01 pm

I'd be surprised if MakeMusic will solve your problem. If the lag has developed in the past few weeks, you might ask yourself what else has changed on the computer. Installed any new hardware or software? Perhaps picked up some malware? (Run Malwarebytes.). Is other software sluggish? Disk getting full?

Is Finale in general slow, or only doing certain things? Perhaps try changing from VST output to MIDI or vice-versa and see if the slugginshness goes away. Experimenting might help to pinpoint the problem. Open up the Windows task manager and look at CPU usage and see if there's some other program using the CPU.

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Finale Version: Finale27
Operating System: Windows

Post by davepace » Tue Sep 14, 2021 2:33 pm

Thanks so much for your prompt reply.

I would have replied earlier, however I guess this forum and does not send email notifications when a question is answered.

Apparently, you are correct in your assumption that make music will not be able to solve my problem.

I have received just one reply from them which did not work and there has been no follow up since. I have now deauthorized v27 and I am continuing to troubleshoot in 2014.5.

I Tried your suggested solutions and did find dropbox was using quite a bit of CPU capacity. When I turned dropbox off I noticed a marginal improvement in Finale‘sPerformance. All other software works fine and hard disk and Ram have plenty of capacity..No malware present.

In addition to the lagging issues, I have noticed that, when I save a file in page view, it now defaults to scroll view when I retrieve a file.

I will post again if I find a solution to the problem.

Thanks again for your help!

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Finale Version: 2014.5,2011,2005,27
Operating System: Windows

Post by motet » Tue Sep 14, 2021 3:32 pm

Page View/Scroll View is a program setting rather than a per-file setting, according to what you've set in your preferences. It has never been saved along with a file. I'm not sure why Dropbox would slow Finale down, unless you're somehow mirroring whatever temporary files Finale is using. I would continue to look elsewhere.

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