Editing lyrics in Finale Notepad

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Post by petemellen » Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:11 pm

I'm a lyricist, working with a composer who uses Finale. I just purchased Finale Notepad, so that I can make simple edits in my composer's work, and add lyrics where necessary. I've run into two problems: 1) I can add lyrics to notes that don't already have them, but when I want to change a lyric that my composer added, I can't seem to delete his syllable -- the syllable I add prints OVER his, and it looks like a jumble. How can I delete lyrics that are already there? And the other problem 2) when my composer added a lyric syllable that's held for more than one note, an underline continues from the syllable on under the following note, as it should. (The line is red, for some reason, though the rest of the lyrics are black.) When I add a lyric syllable under a note that doesn't have a syllable, but does have that line, the line doesn't go away even though the syllable appears. (This is probably related to the first problem: in essence, the lyrics in the file sent to me by composer won't disappear when I edit them, even though I can add my own lyrics ON TOP of them.) Does anyone have any ideas about this? Thank you!

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Post by miker » Wed Aug 19, 2009 11:16 pm

I suspect the problem is that you and he are working in different layers, or, in different verses. If you select his lyric by double-clicking the lyric, that should automatically put you in the right layer. If he is using multiple verses, you may have a problem. NotePad only supports one verse, while the other programs can use more.

The red word extension is normal. It will print in black.

The tutorials in the Help file will explain layers. Very important to understand!
Finale 27 | SmartScorePro 64
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Post by petemellen » Thu Aug 20, 2009 12:17 am

Thanks Miker -- I already know about layers, and I'm in the right one. And my composer is only using one verse, so that's not it either. Any other ideas? Thanks...

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Post by miker » Thu Aug 20, 2009 12:24 am

Would he allow you to post the file?

Or if he doesn't want to make it public, send me a Private Message, with your e-mail, and I'll give you mine to send the file to me.
Finale 27 | SmartScorePro 64
Mac OS 13.2.1 Ventura
Copyist for Barbershop Harmony Society

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