Two general questions about Printmusic--Help Please

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Post by msr » Mon Feb 02, 2009 7:38 pm

I am relatively new to Printmusic and am having some trouble with a couple things. First, is there anyway to change the layout of a document after you create it? For instance, if I want to change to "handwritten style" from some other style.

Second, I want to add more than one lyric verse below the staff. Is there a way to do this? --- I found the answer to this question by doing some more digging. The answer is yes! I still don't know about the first question though.

Thanks for the help.


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Post by miker » Fri Mar 13, 2009 4:35 pm

You can change the chord, text and lyric fonts (with some restrictions) from the Document menu>Select Default fonts...

However, to change the music font or entire document style, create a new doc, and copy your music into it.

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Post by Peaceful » Tue Mar 17, 2009 1:41 am

msr wrote:
Second, I want to add more than one lyric verse below the staff. Is there a way to do this? --- I found the answer to this question by doing some more digging. The answer is yes! I still don't know about the first question though.

Thanks for the help.

As you no doubt discovered, you click the Lyric button, then the Lyrics drop-down menu allows you to select a second and subsequent verse. Now for the fun part. When editing the various verses, all you need to do is hit the up and down arrows to switch from verse to verse. I found this by accident.

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