cleaning up after scan

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Post by jsb » Thu Nov 24, 2011 5:39 pm

I'm using PrintMusic 2011 on an iMac running OS 10.5.8.

I've successfully scanned in a one-page score consisting of 3 systems, four staves each.
The result is pretty good, but some cleanup is (of course) required.

At first glance, there are 3 necessary things which I don't know how to do:

1- the barlines should go through all 4 staves in each system, but they don't. In Staff Attributes, Break Barlines Between Bracketed Staves is NOT checked.

2- Clefs are shown ONLY at the start of the first system. They should show at the beginning of EVERY system.

3- One note has slipped over the barline (because of a quintuplet of 16ths at the end of a measure). How can I nudge it back where it belongs? IOW, where is the old Note-Mover tool?

Thaniks for any help!!


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Post by miker » Thu Nov 24, 2011 8:02 pm

Set up a new document, and copy the scanned music into it. That should take care of most of the problems. Sometimes, though, you need to delete a measure or two, and re-enter the notes.

PM doesn't have a note-mover tool, as such. You can shift notes in the Speedy Entry frame.
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Post by jsb » Fri Nov 25, 2011 2:13 am

Many thanks, that did the trick.
It seems after scanning, copy-paste to a new document should be an automatic next step-...

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