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Hide Staff Formatting

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 4:28 pm
by Leslie Sanford
I've been using the demo version of PrintMusic 2011. I'm using this with Kontakt 5 and the Session Strings Pro sample library.

The sample library uses key switching to switch between articulations. I've found that it's useful to create additional staves just for handling keyswitching. This works great.

However, there is one problem. When I don't wish to see the staves dedicated to key switching, I use the 'Hide Staff' option to hide them. But the remaining visible staves are not reformatted to fill in the space left by the hidden staff. I can manually drag the visible staves to make the formatting look nice, however, if I need to show the hidden staves again, they overlap the already visible ones.

I've also been using the Finale demo, and when hiding staves with it, it automatically reformats the remaining visible staves to fill in the space left by the hidden ones. However, PrintMusic does just about everything I need, so I can't really justify spending hundreds of dollars more just for this one feature. I'm hoping there's something I'm overlooking in PrintMusic that will handle this problem.

Re: Hide Staff Formatting

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 4:53 pm
by miker
Welcome to the Forum.

Nope. That's another one of the many differences between PM and Finale. Sorry.

At least, it's something you can work around, even if it's more work.

In older versions, you could hide individual staves, but with the "upgrade" to 2011, that option was removed.