Disable auto copy

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Finale Version: SongWriter
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Post by madastrota » Wed May 17, 2017 6:18 am

Of all the many frustrating things about SongWriter, the single worst one is the auto copy function, in which every single time a document is opened, SongWriter automatically makes a copy. I find that, not only does this serve no practical purpose (I use a hundred other programs that don't do this and I don't run into any problems), but it's a massive waste of time.
Because every time I want to work on a piece of music, or even review it, I have to go to the trouble of deleting the unnecessary copy.
Even worse, sometimes I'll be working on something and, for some reason, all of my changes get saved in the copy but not the original document. So after I've deleted the stupid copy I'm left with an incomplete document.
It can get really confusing sometimes trying to keep track of which version of the document I need to keep.
This is one of the most idiotic features of a software program that I've ever come across in my long life.
Hands down, bar none.
Is there a way to turn this off?
I'm going to be seriously disappointed if there isn't.

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Finale Version: Finale 27.4
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Post by miker » Wed May 17, 2017 3:32 pm

Welcome to the forum.

What version of SW are you using? The last one was 2012, and it's not likely that there will be another one.

I would look in the Finale Songwriter>Preferences>Program Options...>Folders and make sure that the autosave versions are going to a different folder than your Finale documents. It sounds like you have them both being saved to the same place, which can certainly cause confusion.

You can periodically clean out the autosave folder. I would not advise turning off autosave; as soon as you do, you'll need it!
Finale 27 | SmartScorePro 64
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Post by motet » Wed May 17, 2017 3:45 pm

The autosave feature exists so that if the program crashes you don't lose your work. If you say your .mus file doesn't have your changes but you're deleting an autosaved file that does, it sounds like you're not taking advantage of that. But as Mike says you can indeed turn it off if you want.

Don't the autosaved copies have a different file extension on the Mac? But as Mike says, make a different folder for them if it confuses you, then forget about it until you need it.

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Finale Version: SongWriter
Operating System: Mac

Post by madastrota » Wed May 17, 2017 5:33 pm

I just went into Program Options and directed the autosave files to a dedicated folder.
Then I opened a document and, lo and behold, found a copy on my desktop.
It didn't go to the folder I designated for it. I also didn't see an option for disabling the function.

I've never really needed backup copies of projects because I save compulsively. Basically, every time I enter new information I automatically hit Command-S. It's almost like a tic. So I'm autosaving already!
The only time backup copies would be of any use is if I somehow lost the original file. But I think of all the time I waste deleting backup copies and figure that if I ever had to redo a lost score or something from scratch the the time spent would even out :wink:

The version I'm using is 2010. It's a barely adequate program with a lot of annoying features but it was only about fifty bucks.
But I'm too broke, and don't use it enough, to justify spending hundreds of dollars on a notation program so I just make do.

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Post by motet » Wed May 17, 2017 9:29 pm

If it turned up on your desktop, perhaps the folder you specified doesn't exist. Or perhaps it's the Backup feature instead, which is different. Some attention to the actual file name would be helpful. But if you don't want the feature, why don't you turn it off? I don't have SongWriter, but it should be in Preferences in something like the Save section. There you can turn off both Autosave and the making of .bak files. You might also want to consult the documentation.

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