Donating Finale Scores

Share your scores with other forum members.

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Post by tboneguy » Thu Aug 20, 2015 5:46 pm

Does anyone know of a site where I would be able to donate Finale scores that I have created? I was a member of a professional brass quartet for 13 years, and during that time I arranged a large amount of music that our group used in our performances (50 - 60 pieces). Now that I am no longer performing I would like to make this music available to the music community free of charge. Since Finale Showcase is no longer available I don't know where to upload them. I tried Score Exchange, but scores must be in Sibelius format, and I hate working with that clunky software and have had problems making that site work for me. Can anyone suggest a site where Finale scores are welcome?

I am using Finale 2011 with Windows 7.


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Post by miker » Thu Aug 20, 2015 5:53 pm

Welcome to the forum, and thanks for such a generous offer.

You might also post on the other Finale forum, at

Can we assume that these are original, public domain, or authorized arrangements?
Finale 27 | SmartScorePro 64
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Post by tboneguy » Thu Aug 20, 2015 6:21 pm

Thanks very much for your prompt reply. Yes, everything that I would post is public domain. I did make a few arrangements for special purposes that were not public domain, but I would not post those. Everything is my own work. I am now retired, and since our group used these arrangements so successfully I would like to make them available for others to use.

Also, thank you for recommending the other forum. I will post my question there, too.


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Post by Sunshinenotes » Sun Jan 08, 2017 4:29 am

Have you looked into the Petrucci Library at (I think that is the correct address) ? Also Sheet Music Plus has a SMP Press going where you can post and sell arrangements and original pieces.
I don't know about uploading actual .mus or .musx files, probably need to save as PDF in those cases.
Sunshine Notes AKA Debbie Fitts
"I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now"

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Post by tboneguy » Mon Jan 09, 2017 6:38 pm

Thanks for your reply, Sunshinenotes. Yes, I am familiar with IMSLP, and in fact have downloaded quite a few scores from that site to use as "raw material" for my own arrangements. I hesitated to submit there, though, because it's such a huge site. I was afraid that my scores would get lost among that mass of scores. As it happened, I found a much smaller site,, that was willing to accept and post my work, and that has seemed to work well. They use Sibelius, so I have to export my Finale scores to MusicXML and create Sibelius scores from those, but it's actually a simple process and anyone who goes to that site will be able to find my arrangements easily under the "Brass Ensemble" category. They edit them and produce beautiful parts. I still can't believe that Finale doesn't support a website for scores, but such is life. Again, thanks for your reply.

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Post by motet » Mon Jan 09, 2017 6:48 pm

You might contact Ken Amis and see if he wants them.

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