Playback Repeat Controls

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Post by HeartofTexas » Thu Sep 30, 2021 4:48 pm

I have a piece where several voices tacit for the first time through a section. While composing this section it has been inefficient to have the Playback Controls always reset the Repeat Number to "1" after a pause or stop. If I can only hear the voices the second time through, I would prefer to "set" the repeat number at the number I want rather than have Playback set it for me. I did search for this topic, but I wasn't clever enough to figure out how to find it.

Is there a method for allowing the user to set the playback repeat numbers by themselves at the start of a playback session?
Is there another way of addressing this problem? (other than to remove the Tacit directive until done composing, I never seem to know when that time occurs :) ).

Finale; Win 10; GPO5

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Post by ttw » Thu Sep 30, 2021 5:59 pm

If you click on the "gear" symbol on the playback tool, that opens playback start and end controls. The default is measure 1. You can set any measure (by number) or (the one I like best) the left-most measure currently being displayed. There are several more.

I'm using Windows but I think the Mac is the same.

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Post by HeartofTexas » Fri Oct 01, 2021 8:29 pm

Thanks ttw.

I have used or tried to use the Playback Controls and not found the ideal settings to allow me to stop in the middle of a section on the second pass (between repeats signs) and restart in place and keep the Repeat Number "2". Finale places a "1" in the box after pause/stop. It seem stop default to "1" for any pause or stop.

When that happens I have to page over to the last few measures just before the return repeat, take the repeat (now I have a "2") and then wait for the music to get back to where I stopped. I turned off the Reset Repeats under Playback/Record Options, but Playback took the repeat and stopped scrolling the music, left me at the return repeat sign not able to watch the score.

So I am asking if there is a way to allow the user to control the Repeat Number in the Playback Controls after a stop or pause. If not, then it always defaults to a "1".

The box is greyed out, I can't alter the number at this time.
Finale; Win 10; GPO5

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Post by motet » Fri Oct 01, 2021 8:38 pm

As far as I can tell, Pause button in the Playback controls is the same as Stop.

Try using this setting. When I stop and restart in the middle of the second time through, it goes on instead of repeating.

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