Lyrics: Next Word Skips Next Note

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Finale Version: 2014a.v855
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Post by PM-Bill » Wed Aug 30, 2017 5:25 pm

Hello, I use Finale PrintMusic 2014a.v855 in Windows 10. First of all, thanks for the Windows 10 fix! A problem entering lyrics: In SmartScore Lite, I scanned in my sheet music, all 10 pages. It seemed to want a resolution of 600. I updated the title, composer, etc. I opened the Lyrics tool and started entering lyrics. I hit space to start another word. The insertion point skipped past the next note, which is tied to another note (see attachment). How do I get the next word to start at the next note rather than the one after that? And, what are those lines that start there and run to the end of the piece? Thanks for any help.
Judgin' No Man - misplaced lyric.JPG
This is a snippet showing how the next word starts too far to the right (of a tied note - does that matter?)
Judgin' No Man - misplaced lyric.JPG (76.36 KiB) Viewed 3162 times

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Post by zuill » Wed Aug 30, 2017 5:31 pm

You have been entering lyrics by attaching to Layer 1. The notes you want to use are in Layer 2. Change to Layer 2 and then you should be able to attach the lyrics to those notes.

Windows 10, Finale 2011-v26.3.1
"When all is said and done, more is said than done."

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Post by miker » Thu Aug 31, 2017 1:23 am

You will have to attach a lyric to the layer two note, and a different lyric to the layer one, since they are out of sync.

It would be much easier if you had the voices in different layers all the way through, rather than chorded notes. But, that's what you get from SmartScore Lite, if that's what you had when you scanned it.

You really should start with a few short, simple pieces, to learn how to deal with this sort of thing. You have two factors to deal with, as Zuill points out: layers, and lyrics. Individually, they are both pretty easy, but together, it can get complicated in a hurry.
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Finale Version: Finale 2015
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Post by Rehilict » Thu Sep 21, 2017 7:30 am

I am a very beghiner, i have no idea about it but i want to learn it!!

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