combining beams/stems between layers?

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Post by Dann » Thu Aug 11, 2022 11:05 pm

I'm trying to create an SATB score on two staves, to save pages and page turns... So, sop. and alt. in one stave. By default this would put sop. stems up, alt. stems down, but that requires spacing the staves further apart, which I do not want to do. I have set both layers to stems up. My problem is the beaming. The stems line up but the beams do not...
The online manual has plenty to say about beams, but unless I'm just missing it, nothing about this issue.


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Post by motet » Fri Aug 12, 2022 12:03 am

This is more of a notation question than a Finale question, I think. You can share stems with the same rhythm, as in beats 2 and 3, but never with mixed rhythms, as in beat 4, where I think you're got to have stems in both directions, as below. The way to share stems is to enter the notes as "chords" in layer 1. Personally I would do it the traditional way, though. Are you trying to save paper?

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Post by Dann » Sat Aug 13, 2022 7:10 pm

Actually, trying to save page turns... Tight space at front of church sometimes means two or more singers sharing a stand. If I can re-arrange the notation such that the piece is visible in only two pages (in this case) or as few as possible, less problems with one person turning a page before another is ready. Some of the singers barely read music, and have found this to be an issue.
To save space I want as many systems on a page as possible, so reducing the spread of stems and beams into the lyrics space between the staves is useful.
Your comment was right on, and I found the beam angle tool to shorten some of the problem stems, which helps.

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