Manual Note Adjustment

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Post by iebie » Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:50 pm

I'm in the process of updating a couple of scores that were created on a much earlier version of Finale, and am realizing I'm more than a little bit rusty.

I'm currently using Finale 2006, and I can't figure out how to manually adjust note and rest positions. I'm working on an orchestral score, and one of the instrumantal lines has grace notes and rests and notes a bit smashed together, and I just want to nudge them a smidge in one direction or the other so it looks, well... less smushed.

The only thing I have found so far is to change the measure attributes 'Position Notes' box to 'Manually by dragging'. Unfortunately, that resets all the notes of every single instrument's measure all the way to left, requiring me to painstakingly drag and position every note in the right place, including all the ones that were originally spaced correctly.

Isn't there a way to just, nudge a note a bit, instead of completely starting from scratch? Or, at the very least, just affect the one measure of the one instrument that has the problem?

I must be missing something simple, right?

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Peter Thomsen
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Finale Version: Finale v27.4
Operating System: Mac

Post by Peter Thomsen » Fri Oct 13, 2006 7:36 pm

I suppose that you only want to make Horizontal adjustments (spacing adjustments)?

The first thing to try (Mass Edit Tool):

Lock the system, select all the measures in the system, Apply Music Spacing, and Update Layout.

The next thing to try:

Special Tools Tool.
Note Position Tool.

Mac OS X 12.6.9 (Monterey), Finale user since 1996

Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Oct 13, 2006 6:30 pm

Post by iebie » Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:44 pm

See... I knew it was right in front of my face. The specials tools is exactly what I was looking for.


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