Regarding Setting the Tempo - Please Help

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Post by nagukush » Thu Oct 26, 2006 2:36 pm

Hi Friends !

My name is Kush and I'm from India.

In Finale, when I set the Tempo to say, 80 at the beginning itself - that is in the Setup Wizard, after writing a few lines - How do I change the Tempo if I want ? I'm struggling with this and not able to find out how...please help me...

Also How do I print my composition which I've done in my computer (which doesnt have a printer) but the Printout has to be taken in another computer which has a Printer. I mean can I export the compostion as a Documet file ? Is Finale necessary in the system - in which I will be Printing ?

Kindly advice.
Thanks and Regards

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Peter Thomsen
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Finale Version: Finale v27.4
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Post by Peter Thomsen » Thu Oct 26, 2006 3:46 pm

What version of Finale are you using? Is it the full version or one of Finale's smaller "siblings" (e. g. Allegro, PrintMusic, SongWriter, NotePad)?

What OS are you using (Windows - Macintosh)?

1. The tempo created by the Setup Wizard is an expression with playback effect.
If you want the tempo to change after some measures, use the Expression Tool (icon: mf) to enter an expression that gives another tempo.
In the Text Expression Designer you can control both the layout and the playback.
The playback settings are available when you click the chiclet "Playback".

By The Way:
It's possible to edit the initial tempo expression.

2. For printing on a printer elsewhere:

A. To print a Finale .MUS file on another computer system, the system should have the free Finale NotePad installed.
Finale NotePad is a 40 MB download from MakeMusic's web site.

B. Another option is that you "print" the Finale document to a PDF file.
This solution requires the free Adobe Reader on the other computer system.
Adobe Reader is a 50 MB download from Adobe's web site, but wait:
Adobe Reader may already be present in the system!
It seems that Adobe Reader is present on all computers today (well, almost all computers).

Mac OS X 12.6.9 (Monterey), Finale user since 1996

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Post by nagukush » Thu Oct 26, 2006 3:57 pm

Hi There !

Thankyou so much for the explanation.

I'm using and learning Finale 2003 on my Friends Computer. Actually I wanted to know - say I set the Tempo to be '80' in the setup wizard for a new document, but after composing a small 'complete' piece, I want the whole tempo to be changed to 90 (not from the middle parts, but as a 'whole')

Kindly advice on How this can be done ? The Tempo is written permenantly as 80, in green color on the First page of compostion, but I'm not able to change this. Even if try to change the tempo from the little box , immediately above, with a "quarter note" - the tempo of the piece doesnt change... Kindly advice on how should this be done ?

And I do have a Acrobat Reader, but I'm not able to figure out, how can I print a piece to a pdf file, I mean where is the option for this ?

Thanks again for caring and for the Help.

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Peter Thomsen
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Finale Version: Finale v27.4
Operating System: Mac

Post by Peter Thomsen » Thu Oct 26, 2006 8:03 pm

What OS is your Friend's Computer using? Windows or Mac OS?
And what version?

1. The tempo is set with a measure expression, hence the green display color (note expressions are red).
You can't change the playback tempo with the Playback Controls window, since tempo expressions override the tempo settings in the Playback Controls.

To change the green tempo expression, switch to the Expression Tool (icon: mf).
Now you should see a handle on the green tempo expression.
Double-click the handle, and you are in the Text Expression Designer where you can edit the expression's layout and playback.

2. You can't create a PDF file with Adobe Reader; the Reader is only for opening and printing PDF files.
So the Reader is needed on the other computer which has a Printer.

Mac OS X 12.6.9 (Monterey), Finale user since 1996

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