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Custom line tool question

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 2:29 am
by glennhardy
I'm using Finale 2014.5 and I use the custom line tool a lot for pedal markings. Usually, there is a large library of "pre-made" custom lines with different hooks etc. On some files I still have access to all these. But on the file I am presently working on, when I access the custom line tool, there are only three lines available. Is there a custom line tool library somewhere I can load?

Mac Pro Quad core OSX 10.8.5

Re: Custom line tool question

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 2:48 am
by glennhardy
Answered my own question! I tried saving the library from another file which had all the custom lines in it. Loaded it into the "problem" file and bingo, everything is there. I've only been using Finale since 1991, so maybe I'm just a little SLOW.

Re: Custom line tool question

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 4:43 am
by Graeme Gilmore
Another solution if you just want to import a particular element is to copy a measure that has it (in another file). Then in an empty measure, paste it in the target file. You can immediately erase or delete the measure's contents. The expression, articulation, or smart line will be retained in the file and can be accessed in the usual way for its type.

Re: Custom line tool question

Posted: Sun May 28, 2017 2:53 am
by glennhardy
Thank you Graeme!