Finale v27 Cannot Do Certain Meter Changes?

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Posts: 69
Joined: Sat Apr 15, 2023 8:32 pm
Finale Version: 27
Operating System: Mac

Post by BurtGoldstein » Sun Apr 30, 2023 7:49 pm

After working on this for a while, here's my theory - tell me I am wrong and there's a way to do this and I will be grateful!

Finale CANNOT change meters like the following: when 7/16 is followed by 4/4, changing the 7/16 to 9/16 is not possible.Any such change cannot be made because Finale distorts the music by adding rests between notes that were formerly adjacent.

a. For example, if the 4/4 bar in the scenario above was an 8th note C followed by and 8th note D, changing the prior 7/16 bar to 9/16 SHOULD result in the C becoming the last note in the 9/16 bar. The D should be the first note in the 4/4 bar.
This is what happens in every sequencer I have used for the past 4 decades!
(ASlso what happens with a ...pencil!)

What Finale does is ADD 2 16th RESTS at the end of the 9/16 bar. And leaves C as the first note of the 4/4 bar!

Before suggesting that all the music to the rightbe moved 2 16ths to the left, consider:
1/ Do you think nothing in the piece will get messed up, especially when there are a couple hundred bar - themselves going thru meter changes - to the right which you propose to drag or cut and paste?
a. Also consider in an orchestra piece this is a lot of stave to select, and one has to go back to the end of the piece4 to make one's selection.
And If staves are hidden, will this really work out?

My movie shows what happens and may be worth, as they say, 1000 words. (Although I talk a lot of words thru the movie!!) ;)

Thanks! ...

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