Copy parts of a bar without rebeaming

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Post by ralphb » Mon Aug 07, 2023 10:14 am

Hi there,

I want to copy parts of a bar, e. g. only two notes or a rest into another one without having Finale to rebeam the bar at the same time. Is that possible?

Thanks a lot.


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Post by ralphb » Mon Aug 07, 2023 10:34 am

P.S.: Actually the problem is that Finale creates weird rests. In a complex time signature like 12/8 divided into 3+3+2+2+2, it appears like this:
Bildschirmfoto 2023-08-07 um 12.30.36.png
Bildschirmfoto 2023-08-07 um 12.30.36.png (59.94 KiB) Viewed 731 times
If I then correct the first line, I cannot copy it into the second if I don't copy whole bar, which would also change the first note.

Best would be, of course, if Finale were automatically placing readable rests, e. g. in this case two quavers, a dotted quarter note plus three quarter note rests.

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Post by wessmusic » Mon Aug 07, 2023 3:07 pm

Hi RalphB,

Finale is known for some of its quirks, but fortunately, a compromise solution is almost always found.
I suggest you try these settings.


You still need to use a composite time signature, so you can copy what you've entered as rhythmic note values (as they appear in their correct form) instead of having to edit the unusual result that Finale generates each time.

With the configuration, I would split the rests to look the two ways suggested, though for clarity I prefer the first one, especially if there are notes in the other instruments that are not visible on your excerpt. The oversaturation of quarter rests I don't think is problematic, though the rules limit equal rests to 3 next to each other. Exceptions are always permissible as long as they're justified by a good reason, as in this case for showing the metric structure of the bar, and especially since in this case the first one is dotted so the sight can easily group them correctly.

Another option (especially when copying only part of the bar) is to put an accent, dot or else on each first rest of the groups, which you can then hide (the articulation mark only).
The effect is useful.

Even in either case, however, after testing, the stuff in your excerpt would hardly be 100% successful.
The question is what part of the bar you would copy?...

When using such metric combinations, I advise you to create a template of rests with hidden dots over them and copy them on the whole measure, then just replace the rest with a note.
This is useful especially when copying tuplet groups, because the problems are identical with the aforementioned, too.

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Post by ralphb » Tue Aug 08, 2023 6:08 am

Dear Wess,

thank's, that really did it! At least I can copy properly now.

Remains a mystery to me how one does find out all these things... 8)

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