Pasting notes into a Staff assigned to a Percussion Map

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Posts: 71
Joined: Sat Apr 15, 2023 8:32 pm
Finale Version: 27
Operating System: Mac

Post by BurtGoldstein » Mon Dec 04, 2023 1:58 am

What's best way to paste notes into a staff that has a Percussion map assigned? I have 3 perc staves in a Finale piece, each created by Noteperformer to have a MIDI Map.

I also have 12 Finale files, for each of 12 percussion instruments. I made these by exporting mid files from Digital Performer, so these files have no MIDI map.

At some point, each of the perc staves will have to show a grand staff for a Marimba, or a treble staff for vibes or glock. I used to do that with Staff Styles. I have no idea how that will wrk now that I use NotePerformer. (I’ll ask them that part, but the rest of my question would be similar if I was stiull using banks f Finale’s Garritan instruments.)

I have an intuition that I will end up MANUALLY entering each percussion note on each staff, but I thought I'd see if anyone had figured out how to use ther computer software the 'labor-saving device" God intended it to be! ;-)

Posts: 71
Joined: Sat Apr 15, 2023 8:32 pm
Finale Version: 27
Operating System: Mac

Post by BurtGoldstein » Sat Dec 16, 2023 5:45 pm

In case I am not the only one with this problem (which may be the case seeing there are no replies) here's what I've cme up with so far:

1. Export all non pitched perc tracks to a single multichannel midi file
2. Import into Finale with channels becoming staves
3. In the score, create a 'scratch' staff assigned to the same
percussion MIDI map adjacent to the destination stave.
4. Paste the lst perc staff into the scratch staff
5. Using Utilties-Change Percussion Note to the correct instrument, checking NotePerformer's Orchestral Percussion page in the manual.
6. Merge into the destination staff
6. When the destination staff is not empty, switch the Layer of the source staff first.
Since no one percussion staff is likely to have more than 4 instruments playing at the same time, it may work out to place additional instruments in Layer 1, etc.

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