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Change of work station erasing sound banks

Posted: Sat Sep 09, 2017 1:25 pm
by ewindels
Windows 7 Finale 2014.5

I'm on vacation and working off my day job laptop as opposed to my home computer. Since reinstalling 2014.5 on this device, I keep getting notifications that I need to upgrade my Aria Player to 1.9 from 1.8, which I know I did before I left but it doesn't seem to have taken.

On two of the three projects I'm working on, it hasn't been a problem. On the third, when I open the existing documents and try to play back, I get the same "update" notification, and discover that the VST banks have been wiped clean, so I'm having to manually reset them up for each document. More frustratingly, Instrument Changes are no longer registering: I have a 2nd clarinet that changes to Tenor Sax, but the latter instrument is no longer playing, and I don't know where within the various labyrinths of the program to restore it, since the principle staff is for clarinet (which is playing fine).

Short of creating a separate Tenor Sax stave, any suggestions?