Playback from Leftmost measure plays the line above

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Finale Version: V25
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Post by gilt » Thu Feb 23, 2023 9:52 am

I just moved Finale V25 from an old laptop PC (win10) to a new laptop PC (win11).
In the old PC it plays from "Leftmost measure" correctly, while in the new one it jumps and plays from the line above, although it was not visible when hitting the play button.
So to play from specific line, I need to scroll it up so it is not visible and them hitting the play button jumps up and starts at that line.
It happen also when the leftmost visible measure is in a middle of a line - it will jump and start play from the measure above it in the previous line.

(Funny thing is that if I start the playback at some line and do repeatedly play-stop-play-stop... I eventually reach the first line on the page...)

Changing to full screen display does not change this behavior.
The old PC was "13.3 the new one is "16.

Is there some control that may tweak/tune Finale to fix that?

Update: After further investigation, I see that it happens just in that specific file, and if I copy its content to a new file it works fine.
I started working on this file on the old PC - may be it remembers something from the old PC related to screen size?
I opened another file that I started on the old PC and it works fine.
So I guess it is just another hiccup on the way to perfection... :P

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Post by ttw » Fri Feb 24, 2023 1:23 pm

There is a "Playback Settings" in the tools in the tools menu. It has a gear-shaped icon. Clicking on that brings up the playback menu. There are several choices for starting playback including "Leftmost Measure."

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Post by gilt » Fri Feb 24, 2023 4:54 pm

Thanks, but. :) I thought is was obvious from my post that I have set "Leftmost measure" and it did not work..
I also mentioned that in my old PC "leftmost measure" worked correctly.
I am quite an expert user of Finale so I know the basic settings and beyond...
I posted this because the regular setting of "Leftmost measure" had a strange behavior, and I could not find any post relating to such behavior.
Can someone explain the described behavior? And if so, is there anything that can resolve it?

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Post by motet » Fri Feb 24, 2023 5:25 pm

Sounds like the same version of Finale works on your old laptop but not your new laptop. Have you tried it with different zoom levels? Is it possible you're zoomed in such that there's a vertical scroll bar on the right? Try View/Zoom/Fit in Window and see if you still have the problem.

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Post by gilt » Fri Feb 24, 2023 6:59 pm

Thanks motet for your reply.
In the new laptop (win11) there is always a vertical scroll bar on the right, regardless of the zoom level.
I tried "fit width" and "fit in window" and that did not fix the problem.
I tried closing the tool bars, (that use some of the window's height) - that did not help.

I now realize that what's special about this file is that it was imported from XML.
But again, the import was done on the old PC where it caused no problem.

Anyhow, this is now just an interesting theoretical question - copying the content to a brand new file fixed the issue.

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Post by motet » Fri Feb 24, 2023 7:05 pm

I'm glad it's solved. Interesting that XML is implicated, since that seems to be MakeMusic's easy out for any bug one reports!

You're right about the scroll bar being there. I wonder if they're rolling their own rather than using the Windows API.

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