entry problem

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Moderators: Peter Thomsen, miker

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Post by halevana » Sun Nov 15, 2015 9:15 am

Hallo Friends.

I have the same repeating problem. I can not entry any more music material. It looks like I reached the maximum level of entry. The solution what I received long time ago doesn't work…

I got the ansver:

"Thank you for your patience - I was finally able to find a solution to this problem, although I'm honestly not sure what caused it in the first place. Using the Selection Tool, select your entire score. Then, under the Plug-ins menu, go to Note, Beam, and Rest Editing and click on Change to Default Whole Rests. Once you've done this, you should have no problem entering notes.

Please feel free to respond to this case if you have any further questions about this issue."

That was the solution but...

Please help

Thank you

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Peter Thomsen
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Post by Peter Thomsen » Sun Nov 15, 2015 11:34 am

Welcome to the forum!

Your problem is rather unusual.
I think that we need more info.
The more we know about the problem, the better we can help you.

1. Is your problem program specific (= suddenly the program will not behave at all), or is the problem document specific (= happens in some documents, does not happen in other documents)?
Does the problem happen only in big documents?

2. Please specify the steps you have tried already, so that we can rule out things.
Have you e. g. tried …
- quitting and re-launching Finale?
- restarting the computer?
- trashing the Finale Preferences file?

3. What happens if you delete some measures in the document? Does that help?
Mac OS X 12.6.9 (Monterey), Finale user since 1996

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Post by halevana » Sun Nov 15, 2015 9:52 pm

Thank you.

I had this problem with one score. Big one. Other small ones are ok.
1. I had this problem once and I had to divide the score for two parts.
I tried to merge both files but it still behave the same.
2. I did all things (re-lunch, restart ect.)
3. I also did a new a file and simply copied part by part. It didn't help.
4. If I delete some measures its ok but until the moment when I reach the (unknown) level of entry.
5. Afterwords I am trying every form to enter the notes but the program doesn't want to write any notes. All another things works normally and the program as well.

I really don't know what to do.

Like I wrote I got the solution "Change to Default Whole Rests" but it doesn't work.
Maybe if I will upgrade the program it will help…

I can send you the file. You will see the problem.

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Post by halevana » Sun Nov 15, 2015 10:22 pm

I did the experiment:

I made the new file with 34 blank staff. Regular, simple. (4/4)
I made one measure full of sixteens. I simply copped it for rest of measures.
It stuck in bar 875.

Try to do it and you will see


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Peter Thomsen
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Post by Peter Thomsen » Mon Nov 16, 2015 2:16 pm

That is quite a lot of entries…

I suggest that you contact the folks in MakeMusic’s Tech Support.
You may have hit a limitation, or not.

The folks in Tech Support can tell you whether the problem can be solved with a software change, or with a hardware change.
Mac OS X 12.6.9 (Monterey), Finale user since 1996

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Post by halevana » Tue Nov 17, 2015 12:08 am

Thank you Peter for your help and time.

Yes, the score is over 2800 measures for symphony orchestra.

All the best.


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