Exported Audio is Missing Measures

Discuss technical issues with keyboards, sound, video cards, etc.

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Finale Version: 2014
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Post by tritonesubstitute » Thu Sep 03, 2020 2:08 am

I exported the 3:18 long score into a wav. file, but it is missing a significant chunk of the music. For example, everything between 2:22 and 3:03 is missing. The odd thing is that as the chunk gradually disappears in the audio. For example, around 2:20 mark, all instrument sounds would drop and only the vibes would be playing few notes before going out as well. I tried to re-export the audio, but exact same thing happens. Only thing "special" about the playback is that I am using VDL through Kontakt.

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Post by motet » Thu Sep 03, 2020 3:41 am

Get yourself Audacity, which will record whatever's playing though your computer's speakers, rather than relying on Finale to create the audio file. Others have reported problems as well.

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Post by zuill » Sun Sep 20, 2020 5:37 am

I somehow missed this topic. One must watch the lower left of the screen to make sure that the indicator telling you that it is processing is complete before closing the file. It takes a bit of time. If that is not the issue, then follow Motet's advice.

Windows 10, Finale 2011-v26.3.1
"When all is said and done, more is said than done."

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