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Is Finale Backward Compatable?

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 5:03 pm
by Fulcanelli
I am a music teacher and have Finale 2014 on my computer at work. I have a client who purchased 2012. We want to send a file back and forth via email and make changes in the process. However, he can't access my newer version files. Is there a way of changing the vile type like in Microsoft Word to access an earlier version? Any other solutions? Thanks.

Finale 2014

Re: Is Finale Backward Compatable?

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 9:15 pm
by Peter Thomsen
You can export your Finale 2014 document as a Finale 2012 document:
File menu > Export > Finale 2012…

Finale 2014 is downwards compatible to Finale 2012, but not to older versions.
To export to version 2011 or older, export as a MusicXML file.