Windows 11 & ASIO retention

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Post by montedoro44 » Sun Feb 13, 2022 5:03 pm

Windows 11 muscled its way into my computer, and now Finale opens with ASIO in all cases -- open a musx doc that has already been changed to Direct Sound, or blank open. On Windows 10, Finale learned to default to Direct Sound. Is there a way to make Finale default to Direct Sound on Windows 11? Thanks.

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Post by motet » Sun Feb 13, 2022 5:09 pm

Look at MIDI/AUDIO -> Device Setup -> Audio Setup.

I could be wrong, but I don't think you can set up the audio on a .musx by .musx basis.

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Post by montedoro44 » Sun Feb 13, 2022 7:27 pm

I think that's right. Finale docs remember a lot of settings, but apparently not Audio device. The problem isn't finding MIDI/AUDIO -> Device Setup -> Audio Setup > Direct Sound; it is having to do this every time I open Finale. With Windows10, Finale retained my setting.

I am an old PageMaker user -- in PM, when you make a setting with no doc open, that setting becomes the default for all docs. Not happening in Finale, but I thought maybe there is another way to do it; nothing like that appears in Preferences though. So it looks like Windows 11 is more insistent than Windows 10, whatever that means. Maybe there is a Windows11 setting that I haven't found that unsets ASIO as default.

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Post by motet » Sun Feb 13, 2022 8:09 pm

I have the same problem of Finale not remembering my audio settings. I discovered by accident that, believe it or not, if you have a microphone enabled, then it will save it! I doubt very much they will fix this any time soon, if ever, so you just have to live with it. I don't want to keep my camera/microphone on all the time, so solved it by writing a Finalescript macro and mapping it to a hotkey, which I must remember to invoke every time.

In my case I want ASIO, not direct sound, but here's what I did. (Again, believe it or not, one can't copy and paste in the macro editor). The first two items are to get around yet another bug.
0001.png (15.46 KiB) Viewed 12360 times

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Post by montedoro44 » Sun Feb 13, 2022 11:21 pm

Thanks, motet. I tried turning on the mic, and that works. I also notice that simultaneously Finale loads significantly faster.

I also notice that since Windows 11 took over -- last night -- some Finale controls behave differently, like menu choice pull-down bars, e.g., in the Key Signature Tool. These right-side bars used to be visible at all times, but now they're nearly hidden until a mouse hovers, then they wake up and you can use them; they're also thinner, so not as easy to aim at. Very slick, but a pain in the butt.

A couple years ago I had a problem right after a Windows10 update, where the Playback cursor refused to move. Finale Help solved the problem -- I had to go to Settings and give Finale mic permission. It looks like now Finale has mic permission, so that isn't working.

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Post by montedoro44 » Sun Feb 13, 2022 11:53 pm

Miracle -- the problem seems to have disappeared. I can open Finale without a mic connected, it opens with Direct Sound, and it works. Also, the fast load is back. I have been fiddling, including switching between VST & Midi, also ASIO and WASAPI, also visiting the taskbar Sound icon, and unplugging my USB midi keyboard. I have no idea why the problem resolved, or if it will survive a reboot. I notice that ASIO works with VST, but not Midi.

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Post by motet » Mon Feb 14, 2022 12:02 am

Yes, I must used VST, even though my output sounds are SoftSynth, not Garritan. I've never quite understood that.

Without the microphone plugged in, I can't get FlexASIO, which is something that prevents one program (such as Finale) from taking over the audio completely. With the default ASIO driver that comes with my sound card, if Finale is running, nothing else can use the audio. Direct Sound works, but the latency is too great and causes a problem with MIDI keyboard input.

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Post by montedoro44 » Mon Feb 14, 2022 6:36 am

My latency problem vanished when my 9-year-old computer crashed and I bought a new one -- nothing exotic, Dell Inspiron 3880.

But latency sometimes occurs when I open an xml file, maybe also midi. The latency shows up with midi keyboard input and playback/cursor coordination. Reload Midi Driver cures it.

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