Split measure tool not working

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Post by motet » Thu Jan 27, 2022 6:19 am

Oh, I'm glad. That's a terrible bug and a big time-waster for the unsuspecting. I don't know why they don't fix it (it's at least 10 years old and they've known about it the whole time).

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Post by phrederica » Thu Jan 27, 2022 2:11 pm

I reported the bug. Maybe if enough people trip on it, they will get to it. I also mentioned that improving the complex meter tool would be helpful!

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Post by matchboxmatt » Mon Jan 22, 2024 8:37 pm

Hey 2022 people, posting from 2024 here. This thread was a huge help in figuring out how to do split measures with dashed lines down the center for mixed meter. I ran into a few troubles and finally figured it out, so I thought I'd post my findings for the next person down the line.

I had 10/8 (6/8+2/4) and 12/8 (6/8+3/4) bars that I needed split with dashed lines. I needed proper spacing and accurate measure numbers since it was a conductor's score with measure numbers at the bottom, so the expression tool and the JW Pattern plug-in were out. The Split Measure Plug-in was my only option.

However, I ran into some problems with the Split Measure Plug-in and Copy-Paste features. The Split Measure Plug-in was running unusually slow (seconds and then minutes with each use), and getting slower each time I used it on my original document (Finale v.24). I assumed that this was because it was taking ages to redo dozens of measure numbers every time I split one, but it's impossible to tell (it was not a drawing issue since zooming in didn't help). So, using some advice in this thread, here's what I did, including the jank I encountered and how I got around it:

1. I made a copy of the document and deleted all the music and measures (but one).
2. I made a shortcut for the Split Measure Plug-in using the Menu Shortcuts Plug-in (Plug-Ins > TGTools) and bound it to a fast input (I used Ctrl+Shift+X).
3. I added a few measures at a time, added the correct time signatures, and split them (one at a time) as I added them using the shortcut. This removed the slow-down I was running into, making the plug-in instant instead of taking a minute with each use, and only took a few minutes for around 150~ measures. This left me with a blank template with all the split measures and correct time signatures / measure numbers.
4. In my original score, I had to rewrite all "real" whole rests and break them up into smaller rests, or else they wouldn't copy-paste properly.
5. I used the Edit > Edit Filter feature, disabled Measure Settings, and pasted all the original music into the template a few instruments at a time. I found that if I pasted music from all instruments, it would overflow rhythms in each measure, and the Rebar tool would add its own measures without the split measure properties.

Hope this helps some poor soul out there. This one was a doozy. Thanks to everyone in this thread for the help.

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Post by motet » Mon Jan 22, 2024 9:37 pm

I had occasion to use the Split Measure plug-in recently on secco recitative where multiple voices are sharing the same staff and so contain clef changes. and the plug-in sometimes got confused and substituted the wrong clef or transposed up or down an octave.

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Post by matchboxmatt » Tue Jan 23, 2024 12:20 am

Just realized why the Split Measure plug-in was getting slower. When copying from the old measures and pasting into the new split measures, any horizontal Smart Shape (cresc., dim., 8va, etc.) will be copied dozens of times on top of itself, hence why my document was slowing down. I also learned the hard way that attempting to delete these fat stacks makes Finale unresponsive. Had to delete all of them before copying music over.

Using the Edit Filter and excluding horizontal smart shapes did not work in stopping Finale from pasting these shapes, so you have to delete them before copying.

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Post by phrederica » Tue Jan 23, 2024 12:40 am

Whew! What a mess. Thanks for sharing your experience.

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