Auto pitching

Discuss playback problems, including VST, Garritan, MIDI, etc.

Moderators: Peter Thomsen, miker

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Joined: Sun Sep 04, 2022 10:32 am
Finale Version: Finale 2014
Operating System: Windows

Post by zuseppe65 » Sun Sep 04, 2022 10:44 am

Good morning,

I've got a really strange problem here. Sometimes when I write some music or listen to one, through Finale, something weird happens.
Let me do an example: I'm writing down some lines of music for trumpets, violas and piano, all in the same tonality. At some point, totally random, one of the lines, let's say piano, in the listening or even in the writing, has pitched itself down a bit, almost a tone, resulting in a bad, pitched, out of tonality sound. To solve this problem I've got to restart the program and the problem is solved. It could happen once per day or even 100 times in a day, as I said, is really random.

I want to make note of this: I also use Cubase, with Kontakt and the same thing goes along. There, I can even see the pitch of the Virtual Instrument going down, thanks to Kontakt.

I'm thinking about some problems with midi driver, but I can't find a way to solve this. I even use different drivers with different sound card, like external ones.

Could you help me to find the answer to this really weird problem?
Thanks a lot, bye!

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Finale Version: Finale 27
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Post by BuonTempi » Mon Sep 05, 2022 3:31 pm

That's usually a problem with a 'mismatch' of sample rates. Something is working at 44.1kHz and something else is at 48kHz. Cubase, for instance, could change the system settings.

Make sure everything is the same value.

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Finale Version: Finale 26
Operating System: Windows

Post by Djard » Tue Oct 04, 2022 8:10 pm

I have experienced the problem you describe and was able to resolve it. Below are some options from my 500 page manual that I have compiled over the years. The last option has always worked for me.


1. View -> Show -> Hidden Notes & Rests ->
look for any hidden items that may be
causing the issue.


If flats are used in a descending scale and
sharps when ascending in a measure, you may
simply have forgotten to add naturals on
natural notes when ascending; or forgotten
to add a natural, such as intending to play
B in a key where the B note is flattened by
the key signature.


Make sure a pitch change was not applied to
a previous expression by playing back the
score from an earlier section.


1. Save a screenshot of the measure for
reference -> clear all items in the measure.
2. Write the notation in another measure
-> copy and paste the new notation into
the one cleared -> delete the notation in
the new measure when done.

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