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Gentlemen, Please!

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Beginners Board
Title: Gentlemen, Please!
Posted By: Robert Venezia
Date: 01/20/2002 at 02:28:01

Gentlemen, please stop fighting!

This forum is intended for music arrangers, students, and beginners using Finale.

I'm sorry that H@ter could not find a solution to his problem at this time.

Finale is a very powerful program, and so is Sibelius. I use them both. If I cannot answer a question in Finale, then I use Sibelius because I know how to run that particular task in that program. These are tools that the music arranger has on his "tool belt".

There is no use in unsavory messages to express discontent.

If you have a problem, you will find that we will help you as best as we can. In fact, I'll assist h@ter in compeleting his tasks. All you have to do is e-mail me the document(s) and I will correct them with instructions on how to do this.

If h@ter would have given a college try on learning Finale, he would have been on the road to success by now. All the time on h@ter's enegry on pensive and descriptive messages could have been well spent on the "learning curve" of this particular Finale software.

I remember when I learned the Finale program. I had to install a windshield wiper on my monitor because I was yelling and spitting so much I couldn't see the screen. After 6 weeks of study, I became proficient. Later on, I realized that this program is 9 miles deep.

It must also be appreciated that Finale is for musicians that have been classically trained. This is not a program for people that cannot read music. There are several programs on the market that cater to the person that "writes music by ear"

To H@ter, we understand your frustrations. We surrender as of now. We have seen your power on disrupting the forum, and understand that you are frustrated. Our terms of surrender are that you understand that this is a learning forum, and a serious learning tool for students in college, and professional music arrangers. Please let us trade thoughts and solutions.

Finally, on your composition "Duck Poop Is Purple," I bet that I can take that sketch and make into a movie score, just for you. We can use it for "Scream 6- the Final Smear."


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