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Re: Score expression Tool and Petrucci?

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Beginners Board
Title: Re: Score expression Tool and Petrucci?In Reply To
Posted By: Peter ThomsenTitle: Score expression Tool and Petrucci?
E-mail: gtpthomsen@netscape.netPosted By: Matt Dunn
Date: 02/11/2002 at 09:38:32Date: 02/11/2002


In Windows, you can type any character in a font, by using the character's ANSI number (= the numbers going from 0 to 255, assigned to the 256 possible slots in 8 bit character code).
The trick goes like this:
While holding down Alt, type 0 (zero) and the ANSI number, on the numeric keypad.
An example: To type character # 160 (= a hard space), hold down Alt, and type 0160.

Now the problem is, what exactly is the number of the character you want to type? I can give you two ideas:

1. I am not sure old Finale 3.5 has this feature, but in Finale 2002 there is a Symbol Selection dialog box. It lists all the characters in the font you have selected, including their ANSI numbers.
When you single-click a character in the Symbol Selection dialog box, the dialog box displays the simplest keystroke that will produce the character.
An example: The simplest keystroke to produce a Breathmark symbol (comma) in a music font (e. g. Petrucci) is , (comma).
In Finale 2002 you can access the Symbol Selection dialog box from several places.
Check the manual for Finale 3.5.

2. The Windows OS has an equivalent to the Mac OS accessory Key Caps.
The Windows equivalent to Key Caps is called Character Map.
Unfortunately I don't remember where to find the Character Map accessory.

Perhaps an experienced user of Windows ME will jump in to help?

Anyway, Character Map works similar to the Symbol Selection dialog box in Finale 2002:
Highlight the character you want, and the corresponding key combination will be displayed.
Furthermore, Character Map allows you to copy (Ctrl-C) the selected character to the Clipboard. And from the Clipboard you can paste the character into a Finale document.

By The Way:
The well known word processor Microsoft Word, too, has a Symbol Selection dialog box.


PS The abbreviation ANSI stands for something like American National Standardization Institute.

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