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Fretboards forNever & Copying Rests

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Beginners Board
Title: Fretboards forNever & Copying Rests
Posted By: Bob Van Sickle
Date: 04/01/2002 at 02:36:49

I have many questions, but will start with these two.

First, I VERY SELDOM want the fretboards to show, but I have to always uncheck the box in the ChordTool menu to turn them off. I thought the "save program settings" would take care of this but it doesn't seem too. Is it possible to have the fretboards default to "not shown", and if so , how do I do that?

Second, a question about rests and whole rests. I'm trying to build lead sheet templates in 4/4 and 3/4 time....single staff(treble) with chords symbols to be entered above. I planned on putting quarter note rests in 2nd layer and attaching chords as needed there, (and it works) BUT I ended up having to SimpleEntry every single quarter note rest by hand. If I tried to COPY a 4 rest measure to anywhere on the page, ALL the measures reverted from four 1/4 rests to one Whole rest. The same thing happened when I tried to change the time signature from 4/4 to 3/4. All the quarter note rests reverted to whole note rests. I rescued the situation each time with the UndoEdit command, but would like to know it there is an answer to this problem. I couldn't find anything in the Copy Entry or Copy Measure dialog box that seemed to apply. Is there possibly a DIFFERENT marker (rather than a rest) that could be used to attach the chord too? A series of quarter notes, might work but then they have to be "silenced" somehow.

Thanks in advance,

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