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Measure numbers

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Title: Measure numbers
Posted By: Larry Simons
Date: 07/18/1999 at 01:00:20

I have recently completed a humungous score consisting of nearly 3000 measures on 35 staves. It contains all the music for an entire opera in one continuous file (this was necessary because if each individual number were in a self-contained file of its own, part-extraction would be a nightmare!).

Since the measure-numbers have to start again from 1 for each musical number (pun *not* intended!), I had to define many "Measure number regions". There are actually 28 of these, a few more than the actual number of movements because of minor adjustments around repeat-bars with multiple endings and mid-measure barlines (q.v. recent postings).

My question is this: after completing the score, I decided that one repeated passage would be better written out explicitly twice, and another passage that *was* written out twice could better be scored as a repeated section. The former operation necessitated the insertion of a block of measures, while the second involved deleting a block of measures. This played havoc with the measure-numbering scheme and now I shall have to go right through the score and manually edit all the "Measure number regions" following the point of the first measure-block insertion or deletion.

Has **anyone** found a way of avoiding all this extra manual editing?

Before anyone says I should have left the assignment of the "Measure number regions" until last, well perhaps I should have done (although there are so many things in Finale that you have to leave "until last" that it is hard to know what order to do anything in!), but I really did need to create them as I went along in order to keep track of where I was in the source material from which I was working.

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