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Re: I mean dotted eighth and sixteenth (all a truplet)swing

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Title: Re: I mean dotted eighth and sixteenth (all a truplet)swingIn Reply To
Posted By: Peter ThomsenTitle: I mean dotted eighth and sixteenth (all a truplet)swing
E-mail: gtpthomsen@netscape.netPosted By: falerecte
Date: 02/25/2002 at 04:53:06Date: 02/24/2002

The Finale Default document already contains a shape symbol for "rolled 8ths". It's a shape expression.
I believe that the easiest way to create the symbol for "rolled 16ths" is to edit the symbol for "rolled 8ths". When you have created the shape expresion for "rolled 16ths", you can delete the other shape expressions and save a library of only the "rolled 16ths" shape expression. You can load that "rolled 16ths" library in your documents and in your templates.

1. Create a new document from the Default Document.
2. Click the Expression Tool, and double-click the first measure.
3. In the Expression Selection dialog box, click the radio button "Shape".
4. Click the "rolled 8ths" symbol to select it. It is #21 in my version of the Deafult Document.
5. Click the buttons "Duplicate" and "Edit...".
6. In the Shape Expression Designer dialog box, click the button "Edit...".
7. In the Shape Designer, set the View to 400 %.
8. The Shape Designer has a toolbar at the top of the dialog box. Click the Selection Tool (leftmost tool; the arrow icon). Click the "rolled 8ths" shape to select it.
9. Shape Designer menu > Ungroup. Now the elements can be edited individually. Let's begin with the two 8ths. It should be two 16ths, so another horizontal beam line should be added.
10. Click in the white space next to the shape to deselect everything. Click the horizontal 8th beam to select it.
11. Edit menu > Copy
Edit menu > Paste
An extra beam is added. Drag the new beam in position with the mouse.
To make sure that the two beams have the same horizontal position, click a beam, and click the handle at one end point. Remember the horizontal coordinate displayed in the upper right pane.
Then click the other beam, and click the handle at the same end point. Check that this beam has the same horizontal coordinate. Also note the vertical coordinates for the two beams. You want the same vertical coordinates in the triplet beams, right?
12. Click the flagged 8th note to select it. Delete it.
13. Click the quarter note to select it.
Edit menu > Copy
Edit menu > Paste
An extra quarter note is added. Drag it in position to replace the flagged 8th note.
14. Copy a beam, and drag it to the triplet. The beam is a little too short for the triplet, so select the handle at one end point, and make the beam longer with an arrow key. Check that the vertical coordinate is right.
15. The secondary triplet beam is made the same way, only in this case you make the beam shorter with an arrow key. Check that the vertical coordinate is right.
16. Finally, select all (Edit menu), and Group (Shape Designer menu).
17. Hit Return a lot of times to go back to the score.

That wasn't so hard, was it? :-)

Have fun.


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