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Floating measures

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Title: Floating measures
Posted By: Damien
Date: 08/19/2002 at 03:57:42

OK, here's a good one. I want to know how to do floating measures. And not just plain old ossia measures, but measures a la Steve Reich. In the score for his piece "Music for 18 Musicians", there will be a page, for example, where some of the instruments have one measure (3/2 in this case) which is to be repeated an indefinite number of times, and is notated by one written out measure at the beginning of the page on the left and followed by a thick horizontal line on the staff extending to the right end of the staff ending in an arrow, and continuning along the entirity of the staff on the next page (ending again with an arrow), with no barlines, notes, or rests after the initial notated measure. Right? Now what is the true stumper here is another staff (in this case the staff for the two clarinets) in this passage only appears intermittently; the very left of the system has the name, clef, and key signature, and then has white space until three floating measures of 1/4, which have repeats. Basically this all says that the pulse instruments (the staves with the arrows) continue repeating their parts while the clarinets (and the voices, by the way) come in on repeated 8th notes, lasting a breath, waiting a few beats, then coming in on another pair of 8th notes spanning a breath, and so on.

It looks pretty wacky in the score, and to me it seems nearly impossible to notate completely accurately. Any thoughts?


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