Wrong tone played when composing for F-horn

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Finale Version: NotePad 2.0
Operating System: Windows

Post by brainspin » Tue Aug 29, 2017 5:59 am


Make a composition for horn and trumpet in C minor.
The trumpet gets one, the horn two b-s.
Start writing the horn score.


When you enter a G in the horn score, Notepad plays a natural G
When you playback the whole score, the G has become a natural C, as it should


The wrong tone is played by notepad when writing the score. Only the F-Horn is affected in my score. The other instruments sound the same tone when composing and playing back.

I am using Finale Notepad 2012 r.1

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Peter Thomsen
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Post by Peter Thomsen » Tue Aug 29, 2017 9:05 am

Welcome to the forum!

My own observation is a little different from yours:

Generally all transposing instruments play Written Pitch during note entry, and Concert Pitch during playback.

In Other Words:

When you enter a G in the horn, Notepad plays a natural G.
When you click the playback button, the G has become a natural C, as it should.

When you enter a D in the trumpet, Notepad plays a natural D.
When you click the playback button, the D has become a natural C, as it should.

This is a well known Unmet Reasonable Expectation in version 2012 (and earlier).

For years users have wanted to hear Concert Pitch during note entry.
It may not be any comfort for you, but those of us who have upgraded to Finale v25, hear Concert Pitch during note entry.
Mac OS X 12.6.9 (Monterey), Finale user since 1996

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