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Diminished, Half Dim and Alt Dom Suffixes in PrintMusic 2011

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 6:52 pm
by Nicholas Dyson
I'm using PrintMusic 2011 to make some leadsheets and can't find a way to denote Diminished, Half-Diminished or Altered Dominant (b9) chords. I realise that PrintMusic is a scaled back version of Finale, but am I really limited to Major, Min and Dominant??? That makes this program useless.

Thanks for any guidance you can offer.

Re: Diminished, Half Dim and Alt Dom Suffixes in PrintMusic

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 8:30 pm
by Peter Thomsen
Welcome to the forum.

I don't know PrintMusic, but I can tell you, that the .mus file format is the same for all the programs in the "Finale family":
- Finale
- PrintMusic
- SongWriter
- NotePad

Chord suffixes are document specific, not program specific.
When copying music from one (source) document to another (target) document, all document specific items in the copied music (e. g. chord suffixes) are added to the target document.
If you can find a .mus document with the desired chord symbols in it, then you can use that document as a source document.
Or you can use that document as a template for new documents.

Check the .mus documents in your PrintMusic installation.
You might find a document with the desired chord suffixes in it.

In the "full Finale" there is a Chord Suffix Editor where you can create your own chord suffixes, but I don't think that PrintMusic has a Chord Suffix Editor.