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Problem with Quaver Stems (flags) when using multilayers

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 8:53 pm
by Skyfacer
Hi there. I"m having a very frustrating problem concerning Quaver stems / flags whilst using layers (1234) When I try to insert quavers in layers 2 and 3 after placing quavers in layer 1 , the stems end up all messed up. For example , if the quavers are barred they end up looking like semiquavers as each Quaver on the other layers remain barred. Same happens if the Quavers are not barred but have the individual flags. I have tried inverting the direction of the stems (flags) to no avail. I thought that once you activated the different layers , the stem / flags automatically positioned themselves, That is , a 3 layer set of quavers would share the SAME bars / flags. Note. The Quavers that I'm having a problem with are on the same Stave. I'm only using 3 layers.
Help with this problem would be much appreciated.

Re: Problem with Quaver Stems (flags) when using multilayers

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 10:28 pm
by Peter Thomsen
Welcome to the forum!

1) I think that we need to see an actual Finale document.
Without seeing an actual Finale document we can only guess.

I suggest that you attach a (small) Finale document here for the gurus to examine.

This forum does not accept attachments with the Finale file name extension.
Before you can attach a Finale document in this forum, you must compress it, e. g. as a .zip file.
And the file size must not be more than max. 100 KB.

2) By default (it is a document setting) the stems in Layer 1 and 2 should automatically adjust the stem direction when more than one layer is used, so that the Layer 1 stems go upwards, and the Layer 2 stems go downwards.

3) Often you do not need to use layers, since you can have all the notes in Layer 1.
You do know how to notate a chord in one layer, don’t you?
By my word “chord” I mean several notes sharing the same stem (not a chord symbol!).

When the voicing requires different simultaneous rhythms, it is usually a good idea to use two layers (= Layer 1 and Layer 2).

Layouts requiring 3 layers (because of different simultaneous rhythms) are rare.
Such layouts often require manual adjustments where you adjust the horizontal positioning of individual notes.

Re: Problem with Quaver Stems (flags) when using multilayers

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 7:50 am
by Skyfacer
Hi Peter. Thank you for getting back to me so soon and giving me the 'heads up' concerning my problem. And thank you for welcoming me to the Forum. It's greatly appreciated. For some reason I had forgotten the basics of building up chords by clicking on the stem as you mentioned. It has been sometime since I did this and when I thought about chords I mistakenly went straight to the layer option , which of course doesn't work. When I realised my mistake after you explained it to me I just about 'kicked' myself for not seeing the obvious. Once again , thank you. Barry

Re: Problem with Quaver Stems (flags) when using multilayers

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 2:44 pm
by Peter Thomsen
You can also build up a chord by hitting number keys on the computer keyboard:
Hitting 7 will add a note a 7th above the selected note.
Hitting 6 will add a note a 6th above the selected note.
Hitting 5 will add a note a 5th above the selected note.
Hitting 4 will add a note a 4th above the selected note.

Hitting 0 will add a note a unison above the selected note.


I recommend that you do the tutorial document “EntryExercises”.
It reveals a lot of good secrets in note entry - highly recommended.

Re: Problem with Quaver Stems (flags) when using multilayers

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 10:04 pm
by Skyfacer
Hi again Peter. I'm actually harmonising a simplified version of J.S. Bach's 'Wachet auf. ruft uns die Simme. (Awake , the Voice Calls Us) from one of his Cantatas. It's a simplified Organ version in which the Bass and Treble harmony parts are single line parts and often in octaves. I'm harmonising the top line (Treble) BELOW the given notes.
I"ve completed the job now thanks to your help and have used playback to listen to it. Sounds like I've done a reasonable job of it.