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Post by harp-lady » Tue Jul 30, 2019 1:08 am

Finale 2014 for Windows

I was working on editing a piece of music when Finale went crazy! All of a sudden I saw this faint depiction of a square in the upper left corner of my screen (too faint to see what was in it), and then all my music started disappearing to be replaced by quarter rests! It went on for several pages before I stopped it by clicking on the stop button in the play the audio section. Screaming "STOP" at it did no good at all (lol)! Has this ever happened to anyone else? It was like a gremlin had taken over my Finale! Luckily I was working to edit a single instrument of an ensemble, so I can go back and get the original version to replace all the rests. However, I am somewhat scared to touch anything else in Finale. What if I lose my whole piece?

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Joined: Tue Dec 06, 2016 8:33 pm
Finale Version: 2014.5,2011,2005,27
Operating System: Windows

Post by motet » Tue Jul 30, 2019 1:14 am

Sounds like a key was maybe stuck down, "virtually" or otherwise. Always keep backups.

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