Transparent background export

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Post by guybacos » Thu Dec 05, 2019 5:15 pm


Is it possible to print or export a score with transparent background? Thanks!


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Post by motet » Thu Dec 05, 2019 5:33 pm

You'd probably have to export it as a graphic and set the background color to white and make in transparent in an external program.

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Post by mhp777 » Thu Apr 23, 2020 3:35 pm

From my experience, motet is correct. Below are details of the process I use...
(I have notified Finale Tech Support about this and requested they implement a .PNG Export option with Transparency)

Create song
Advanced Tools / Graphics / Export Pages -> PNG

PNG: Allows resolution selection, but does NOT create transparency
EPS: Allows transparency, however:
- Only way to import into Photoshop is to export w/YES Transparency, NO Tiff Preview, NO Fonts
* If include TIFF or Fonts, PS will give error on attempt to Open or Place it
* If successful Open or Place, and if using default Maestro font, PS does NOT line up stems with notes
* Also, successful Open or Place may lock the layer, such that it cannot be unlocked or manipulated
* If the layer does allow manipulation, must first Rasterize it
* Also, successful Open or Place disallows option to save as .PNG afterwards (option does not appear in Save As dialog)
- Cannot import into Premiere Pro or After Effects
SVG: Allows transparency, however:
- Limited open options
* Web browser: Opens OK
* Adobe Illustrator: Even if Maestro font installed in system, opens with symbols instead of noteheads
- Creates only small file, i.e., not good for FHD video projects, even if save from Web browser as .PNG

Only decent way to create transparent background is as shown below, via Photoshop

Basic premise:
- Can make background transparent, but must shore up black items with several selection passes AND Stroke FX

Create new doc
- Letter (8.5x11): 2550 x 3300 w/transparent background
- Octavo (6.75x10.5): 2025 x 3150 w/transparent background

Place PNG file to fit

Create a new transparent-background layer (let's call it Layer 1) by separating the music from the white background
- Magic Wand (Tolerance 0, NOT Contiguous) on white background
* Right click / Invert selection
* Right click / Layer via Copy
- The resulting Layer 1 appears to have black music in it
- However, it is likely not totally black, there are likely white/red/blue artifacts
- Those artifacts WILL SHOW UP if you save this file now as .PNG and import it into a project
- You can check how bad it is by creating a Black background layer and viewing Layer 1 over it
- These artifacts also give the music noteheads a slightly jagged edge, if you zoom in
- You must now fix this issue using the steps below

Fill Layer 1 black items with more black
- If you have created and activated a Black background layer, de-activate it so only Layer 1 shows
- Select Layer 1 (in the Layers panel)
- Magic Wand (Tolerance 0, NOT Contiguous) on transparent background
* Invert selection
- Paint Bucket (Black, Tolerance 255, NOT Contiguous) on any black element
- Click Magic Wand tool, R-click in the document and choose to Deselect
- Activate the Black background layer (created earlier) to check for remaining artifacts
- If there are still artifacts, repeat the above process, adding more black via Paint Bucket until you can no longer see artifacts

Add Layer FX - Stroke
- This is needed to help smooth out jagged notehead edges
- R-click Layer 1 / Blending Options
- Stroke: Size: 3 / Position: Outside / Opacity: 50 / Color: Black

Save As .PNG (make sure Black background is deactivated first)

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