Single annotation replication to all staves

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Post by nwoodsxx » Wed Aug 05, 2009 5:26 pm

Hello Printmusic Forum-

This is my first post so I hope I'm not starting with a dumb question. I have not been able to figure out (from the Finale documentation OR this Forum) how to create an annotation that would automatically replicate to ALL staves.

For example, if my orchestration is an 8-piece jazz combo and there is an open solo section at measure 65, I'd like to put a new rehearsal letter at that spot (along with the text "Open Solos") and have the software put that annotation on all 8 staves pinned to measure 65.

Am I missing the obvious? Is this just an example of where the "lesser products" like PrintMusic simply don't have all the usability of the flagship product?

Thanks for setting me straight,


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Post by miker » Wed Aug 05, 2009 5:36 pm

You are correct. This is a limitation of PrintMusic. I believe (although I won't swear to it!) that the full Finale would let you create an expression that would be applied to all staves.

In PM, you could create the expression, including the text, but you would have to manually apply it each staff.
Finale 27 | SmartScorePro 64
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