Row-Loff sounds and Rolls in Finale 2006

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Post by pulse » Wed Dec 14, 2005 3:17 am

Hey all,

I've been looking around for how to make rolls sound correct upon playback in Finale 2006. I can't get the rolls to be properly double-sticked. Even using 32nd notes/triplets, it just still sounds rushed, just as if i used the roll articulation (number 32).

If you go to the Finale 2006 site, you can listen to demos of the percussion sounds. In that, they sound perfect.

If anyone can help, or especially if they can point me to a .mus file that has it done properly (so I can see what I''m doing wrong), it would be appreciated!

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Peter Thomsen
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Post by Peter Thomsen » Wed Dec 14, 2005 5:59 am


Please be more specific:

Are you using Human Playback?

If you are using Human Playback, then how are you using it?
- with the plug-in Apply Human Playback?
- with the pop up menu in the window Playback Controls?
- and with what settings?

Mac OS X 12.6.9 (Monterey), Finale user since 1996

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Post by marooncadets » Wed Dec 14, 2005 3:39 pm


Some people and I are having the same problems you are. Do these things and see if they help.

1. Make sure your rolls are tied, not slurred.
2. Put an accent on the end (whether you like it or not, cleans up the playback)
3. Apply human playback (use the plug-in or in playback controls) and apply to whole document once you have made all edits.
4. Use the metatool "8" in expressions for the roll and make sure it is on the stems of the notes.

I write a lot of percussion stuff for the high school band and this gets the best sounds. Write back if I can help more.


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