Tuplet tools baffles me....................again

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Post by Struggler06 » Tue Feb 21, 2006 7:25 am

I seriously do not get this. I type in the number of notes that i want for example 6 eight notes in the space of 4 (in 2/4 time) then when I try and put the six notes in it only lets me put in 5 eight notes. This happens all the time 5 16th's in the space of 4 nothing. Am I missing somethign here??

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Post by marooncadets » Tue Feb 21, 2006 1:01 pm

I have some trouble with triplets and here's what I do.

Put in the first note in the value (8th or such) that I want and then I address the triplet. I usually puts in 3 fine. then I do the exact same thing again for the next set of triplets. I don't know if this helps or not. I'lll try it later today and see what I get.


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Peter Thomsen
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Post by Peter Thomsen » Tue Feb 21, 2006 9:19 pm

This is a frequently asked question.

What many users miss, is the fact that there are two Tuplet tools:

1. The Tuplet Tool on the main tool palette.
This tool is the tool for all sorts of editing tuplets already entered.
You normally don't need this tool for entering tuplets.

2. The Tuplet (sub-)Tool.
This tool is the tool for fast tuplet entry.

In the Speedy Entry Tool you hit (on Windows:) Ctrl-3 to enter a triplet, Ctrl-4 to enter a quartuplet, Ctrl-5 to enter a quintuplet &c.
And it's Ctrl-1 to create a user defined tuplet.
On Macintosh the modifier key is the Option key instead of the Ctrl key: Option-3 for triplets, Option-4 for quartuplets &c.

In the Simple Entry Tool you enter the first note of the tuplet, then open the Simple Entry Tuplet Definition with (on Windows:) Alt-NumPad 9.
On Macintosh it's Command-NumPad 9.

Mac OS X 12.6.9 (Monterey), Finale user since 1996

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