
The place for beginner Finale users. ("How do I...")

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Post by Judinkie » Mon Nov 19, 2007 3:18 am

I am using Finale 2008 with JABB, scoring a big band arrangement for playback only. I would like to incorporate dual rhythms ie, horns 4/4 with tempo of 92 against rhythm section in 3/4, tempo 144. ala Brubeck feel with horns playing mostly half-time box triplets. ( I think I worked my math out correctly.) Question is, is it doable to score the instruments in their respective meters and tempos for Finale playback. My reading suggests I can select only one tempo and meter to be played at a time (reasonable) and I will have to score the 'other' parts "mathematicly". Or maybe someone has an even easier solution that I haven't thought of. I'm not lazy, just ignorant. Thanks.

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Peter Thomsen
Posts: 6678
Joined: Fri Jul 25, 2003 6:47 pm
Finale Version: Finale v27.4
Operating System: Mac

Post by Peter Thomsen » Mon Nov 19, 2007 6:32 am

1. I could be wrong, but I don't think that you have worked out your math correctly.
If one measure of 4/4 in the horns equals two measures of 3/4 in the rhythm section, then the speed relation is 2:3.
So it's either
horns 4/4 with tempo of 92 against rhythm section in 3/4, tempo 138
horns 4/4 with tempo of 96 against rhythm section in 3/4, tempo 144.

2. As a simple solution I suggest this:
Let the rhythm section have the "real" time signature (3/4) and tempo.

In the horn staves, in the Staff Attributes, in the pane Independent Elements, select "Time Signature".

For the horns, choose a time signature of 2/4, displaying as 4/4.
Hide every other barline with a staff style so that two measures of 2/4 display as one measure of 4/4.

Mac OS X 12.6.9 (Monterey), Finale user since 1996

Posts: 7
Joined: Thu Feb 19, 2004 3:46 am

Post by Judinkie » Mon Nov 19, 2007 5:25 pm

Thank you, Peter, for your succinct explanation, the math conversion correction (obviously math is not my forte either), and for your quick response. I am continually blown away by the thoroughness and versatility of Finale, as well as of your knowledge and dedication toward helping us would-be arrangers. Thanks again for outstanding support of a fantastic program.

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