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Lyrics and copying

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 11:45 pm
by elroni
Hello composers and lyricists!

I ran into a problem. I am using Print Music 2004 (not the free version) and I used mass edit to copy a few bars of music--four--which already had lyrics beneath the notes. THEN, I c;icked on LYRICS and went back to the copied measures and wrote NEW LYRICS. What I then noticed was that the NEW LYRICS replaced the lyrics I had used with the melody earlier. Make sense?

This is part of a longer theater piece with musical interludes between the lyrics, so a repeat sign isn't really appropriate here. Does anyone out there have an idea how to fix this problem so I can write new lyrics without having the old ones AUTOMATICALLY replaced?

thanks in advance

Roni in LA

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 6:31 pm
by at8ax
Lyrics get mirrored when you copy measures in that fashion. Best fix at this point would be to undo the copy (restore to earlier state), and then copy those measures again after setting parameters in Mass Mover -- instead of Copy All, use Copy Entries menu to include everything except the lyrics.

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2006 4:22 pm
by AnthemWorks
The mass mover and lyrics can cause all sorts of problems.
First, Never type directly into the score, unless you are doing something short & simple - 1 verse, no extra parts.
Second. Get all the music in, THEN add the lyrics.
Third. Copying sections of music with lyrics will cause precisely the problems you described.
Best bet - use the "edit Lyrics" in the lyrics tool. Type into the box, get the syllable subdiv's all set up, then use click assignment into the score.
When I do a chart - Lyrics are always about the last thing I do.

Posted: Sun Jun 18, 2006 11:47 pm
by Lady Fitzgerald
First, I actually use PrintMusic2004 so know (pretty much) how it works.

Copied music gets mirrored when one uses highlight and drag to copy them. Instead, use Mass Edit. Highlight the measures you want copied, click on Edit at the top of the screen and click on copy. Then highlight a destination, either one measure if you want to Insert the copied region or the same number of measures if you want to paste them in. Then click on either Insert or Paste, depending on the number of measures you highlighted.

Side note...this changed in PM 2006. Only Insert will not mirror.