Finale file sharing

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Finale Version:
Operating System: Mac

Post by lynndavidnewton » Sat Nov 27, 2021 12:47 pm

Greetings. Running Finale 25.5 on an up-to-date Mac.

Can someone provide a thumbnail-sized summary of file sharing in the latest version of Finale? Does this mean that MUSX format files are shared from some server belonging to the manufacturers in much the same way that Google Drive enables sharing of files?

If so, then the sharing would be with other people who have and use Finale, which might not be all other musicians. (For instance, there might be some musicians who depend on other software products for notated music.) And for me is not that much as an advantage, since I haven't been a part of the working music community for decades.

If it means that files can be shared using PDF, I don't see that this differs a lot from sharing files from another service, e.g. Google Drive (I have a great deal of stuff on Google Drive myself) or Dropbox (which I hate, but some people use).

The reason I'm asking is that I received an advertising email from MakeMusic offering an upgrade to v. 27 for $99 if I do it while the offer lasts, sort of a Black Friday deal, I guess. I've been resisting upgrading from v. 25 for a while because it works fine for my purposes, and there is no version 28 in view as far as I know. The marketing model on this product is rooted in very old-style (1980s and 1990s) techniques: Sell a massive product on installation disks with a thick printed manual at a high price, then charge a lot for progressive upgrades that supposedly introduce new features, fix bugs, and usually introduce new ones. The world lost its taste for that sort of thing a long time ago.

But the music sharing option is interesting to me as something I might be able to make use of.

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