Lassier Vibre / Let ring

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Posts: 39
Joined: Tue Sep 24, 2019 7:30 am
Finale Version: 27.2
Operating System: Mac

Post by magnefl » Thu Mar 09, 2023 12:19 pm


I am currently working on a piano score with a lot of Laisser Vibre and I must say that it is quite a hassle to deal with it the way finale intend with changing noteheads. I have tried to use the custom L.V. articulations, but they need a lot of manual adjustments and frankly doesn't save much time compared to manually change each and every notehead. Using ties result in too long lines and as with the articulations, it is a lot of work to make a uniform look. I have the full version of TGTools, which should make the process seamless, however it is not updated to use with SMuFL and requires the use of Engraver Font Set. In my templates I use Finale Engraver / Finale Maestro. Changing the fonts back to Engraver Font Set does of course not work. Do anyone have a solution at hand other than the ones mentioned?

Thank you,


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Post by finale-fan-2001 » Tue Sep 26, 2023 7:39 pm


Finale comes stock with L.V articulations, which can be accessed under the articulation tool at number 37.
considering taking up programming to fix the bugs myself

Posts: 89
Joined: Thu Feb 27, 2020 12:25 am
Finale Version: 25, 26, 27
Operating System: Mac

Post by bakkumd » Wed Sep 27, 2023 5:13 pm

The L.V. symbol in my list is #44 - I've not changed the order so this is how it was installed on my Mac.

If you are having spacing issues with it - you need to turn on Articulations in the music spacing pane of Document Options. I've never understood why that setting defaults to "off"...

Screen Shot 2023-09-27 at 12.12.28 PM.png

Add a meta-tool shortcut and it will be very quick.
Finale 25, 26, 27, Patterson Plug-ins, JW Plug-ins, TG Tools, Perfect Layout Gold, Keyboard Maestro, Adobe CS6 - CC, MacOS Mojave through Monterey. NotePerformer 3, Dorico 5, Sibelius Ultimate.

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