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Unwanted Trill in playback

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 5:55 pm
by Djard
I wrote a trill then deleted it. But Finale decided to play back the trill in the next measure that has no such indication. Changing HP to another genre did not help, neither did clearing all the items in the measure as well as the preceding one.

Deleting the section then inserting measures copied from a healthy section of the score also did not work. However, if I cut out any measure before the problematic one, the issue is resolved. So it appears that Finale decided to assign a trill to the measure number.

I am unable to attach the document, since the problem is on page 16, making the file too large to upload; and deleting pages before the problematic measure solves the problem. Is there something in HP Preferences that I can change to get rid of the unwanted trill in playback?

Re: Unwanted Trill in playback

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 6:15 pm
by zuill
Were playback notes entered into a hidden layer via one of the plugins? Also, could this file be affected by the bug that rears its ugly head when Defined Measure Numbers is selected in preferences. Without a file to examine, we really don't know what is happening.


Re: Unwanted Trill in playback

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 7:27 pm
by Skjalg
Is "Show Active Layer Only" checked? If so, try to uncheck it and see if there are [hidden] notes in other layers.

Re: Unwanted Trill in playback

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 10:08 pm
by Djard
No hidden layers, according to Speedy Entry; "Show active layer" is unchecked; and "Show hidden notes and rests" is enabled in View settings. I selected "Display actual measure numbers," but that made no difference in the playback.

The problematic measure (treble clef of piano) is silent if I delete the notes on beat 1 and 2. No trill is played if I enter a note on the 3rd beat of the waltz. I see nothing in Edit Frame

If I cut out any preceding measure in the score, the unwanted trill is applied to notation in the next measure: whatever measure ends up being number 64 gets the trill.

If I knew how to apply a trill to a specific measure, I could try reversing the step.

Re: Unwanted Trill in playback

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 11:23 pm
by zuill
If you could attach a file here with the errant measures, we could troubleshoot. We don't have enough information from descriptions only.


Re: Unwanted Trill in playback

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 3:40 am
by Djard
Thank you so much for your willingness to help, but the file size exceeds the upload limit (measure #64). If I delete the four pages before the problem, it gets moved four pages back.

I will try deleting all the music before the problematic measure as well all the other instruments to see if the issue is preserved in a smaller file. I'll try assigning six measures per staff.

Re: Unwanted Trill in playback

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 3:53 am
by Djard
Erasing the preceding notation and deleting the subsequent measures worked in reduced the document size. The unwanted trill appears in the last measure.

Re: Unwanted Trill in playback

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 7:07 am
by zuill
Let's start by seeing how this file works.


Re: Unwanted Trill in playback

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 2:26 pm
by Djard
That works!

I spent a good amount of time comparing your settings to mine but could not detect what change you made. Please share your magic.

Re: Unwanted Trill in playback

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 2:39 pm
by zuill
I selected All, Copied, then Pasted. I couldn't find anything at first, so I did a lot of poking around. The Copy/Paste was the only thing that worked. Somehow that cleared the problem. Magic!

Oh, I forgot that there was another procedure that also worked: I selected the Treble Staff measures and chose to Clear Selected Items. When only choosing Smart Shapes Assigned to Measures, that also cleared the trill.


Re: Unwanted Trill in playback

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 6:38 pm
by Djard
Thank you Zuill for your valuable time. I had tried clearing Smart Shapes assigned to the measure, but that option still does not work for me. Creating a new (empty) document then copying and pasting in the score works, albeit I then must edit many of the guitar chord diagrams that get mis-portrayed and duplicated. I find that the copy & paste into a new document method is a universal fix as it solves many other issues: it is my last resort, being so time consuming. I wonder why the latter works. Is it because a new format is applied...library file altered...some error not copied?

Re: Unwanted Trill in playback

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 10:26 pm
by zuill
In the file you posted, you can just select the top staff, do ctrl-c then ctrl-v. That should leave everything else alone, and stop the trill.


Re: Unwanted Trill in playback

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 11:11 pm
by Djard
That option also worked! I did not realize that the entire piano part had to be selected, from the beginning to end: I was selecting only the measures on the page with the problematic measure.

The trill is gone...the trill is gone; I'm trilled that the doggone trill is gone. La-la-la.
