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Setting global mid-measure clef properties

Posted: Fri Apr 16, 2021 1:13 pm
by sPretzel
In the Mid-Measure Clef dialogue box, there are a number of parameters one can set like clef size, horizontal/vertical offset, etc. In Document Options - Clefs however, there are only a few of these parameters to be set for the Default Clef Change. Is it possible, either before or after mid-measure clefs have been created, to set parameters in the mid-clef measure dialogue box for several (or for all) mid-measure clefs at once?
This is for Finale 2007c.

Re: Setting global mid-measure clef properties

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2021 3:41 pm
by zuill
I am using v26, so things might be different. The settings you mention are not in the dialogue box for Change Clef. They are only available after a changed clef is entered. So, I'm not sure that it would be practical to have those settings available as a default setting for Change Clef. I may be wrong. Once a clef is entered, it's position can be fine tuned with those number settings (H. and V.). Or, one can grab the handle and move the clef manually.
