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Entering any note in one frame causes beach ball / Unresponsive

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 2:11 pm
by dallascomposer
I am going nuts - There is one measure on one staff of my score that causes the program to freeze when I try to enter a note. I get the spinning beach ball and the program will stay "Unresponsive" in the activity monitor until I force quit.

This is happening in one measure on one staff. Any attempt to enter a note in that measure causes this. I have deleted the contents of the temp folder and all my preferences.

I have switched to "Play Finale through MIDI" and I have tried switching every staff to SoftSynth. It doesn't seem to be related to Audio or Midi.

Any ideas? My computer (2019 iMac) well exceeds the minimum computer requirements

Re: Entering any note in one frame causes beach ball / Unresponsive

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 2:17 pm
by dallascomposer
So further experimentation: I was incorrect. It happens only in this one measure, but in ALL other staves as well.

I tried making a new staff and copying the existing data into it, but I couldn't enter any notes into the same measure, in any staff.

Finale leaps to 100% CPU usage as soon as I enter the note.

Re: Entering any note in one frame causes beach ball / Unresponsive

Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2022 2:21 pm
by dallascomposer
Okay who knows what caused it, but I finally worked around it by inserting a measure stack.

Just to be safe I didn't copy the existing notes over. Manually re-entered them all and then deleted the faulty measure stack. No idea how this happened.