Help with FinaleScript (Select All)

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Post by magnefl » Wed Mar 16, 2022 7:58 pm


Is it a way for FinaleScript to Select All in Expression Selection window?

The reason why I wonder (it might be that I do something wrong here):

I am editing a lot of music using different Templates I've made over the years. I use FinaleScript to import House Style/Page Format/Category Options and so on. So far it is all great and I save a ton of time. After that I like to clean up my scores: I open Expression Selection –> Show All and I select all the expressions. Then I push delete, the warning "One or more of these items is currently in use in the score. Are you sure you want these items removed?" appears, I push "NO" and all expressions that are not present in the document are deleted. Makes it easy and quick to move expressions into the correct category. I select the remaining expressions and Reset Fonts and Positioning.

I am working for different publishing houses so I do this process ALOT: Is there a way in FinaleScript to automate Select All in this window (Select All works most other places..)? It should be a straight forward task in LUA, but I have not gotten to learn that yet.

Thank you!


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Post by motet » Wed Mar 16, 2022 8:36 pm

How do you select all when doing it manually? Ctrl-A doesn't seem to work; the only way I could find was to select the first, then scroll to the end with the mouse and Shift+click the last.

TGTools has something that will do this for text expressions (but not shape expressions). It's a bit long in the tooth but still seems to work. I don't know if you could call this from FinaleScript, but it is a bit easier than the cumbersome selecting in the Finale dialog.

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