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Tie Ending - Coda (Another Scenario?)

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 9:07 pm
by dstraigh
I'm trying to add a tie ending on measure 17 of the attached Finale document. I had expected to be able to do this since there is a backward repeat bar on measure 16. Yet, it isn't working for some reason. I prefer the tie ending to work for playback or MIDI export. On the 2nd pass playback jumps from the end of measure 14 to measure 17. Without a tie ending you will hear the G note played twice instead of being held for two beats.

Any idea what the problem might be?

I add the tie ending in the following way: Using the Speedy Entry Tool I click the zero key (so that no measure is selected) then hold the Option key while clicking measure 17 and then checking the Tie Ending box toward the bottom of the dialog box.

I'm using Finale on a 2015 MacBook Pro running macOS Monterey.

Re: Tie Ending - Coda (Another Scenario?)

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2023 10:29 pm
by N Grossingink
The Coda has an eighth rest on the first beat, so there's nothing to tie to.

Re: Tie Ending - Coda (Another Scenario?)

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2023 4:08 am
by motet
In the file I downloaded, measure 17 is empty.

The tie-end trick won't work with the coda as you've written it, because there's a rest at the end of the preceding bar (bar 16).

Really, this seems like a simple first and second ending to me. No need for a coda. In in the case of an ending, the tie-end trick will work, since Finale looks back before the first ending.