executable shape designer inconsistent and not doing what i told it to

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Post by aysia » Wed Mar 30, 2022 7:19 pm

I'm having an issue where, most of the time that I try to make a tempo alteration, by inserting a ritardando for example, I will edit the properties in the executable shape designer to make it do what I want. Sometimes it does exactly what I tell it to do and it works fantastically, but other times, sometimes using the exact same settings and the exact same methods, it will do absolutely nothing. Even worse, it will just suddenly change tempo with no ritardando. I have been consistently having this problem since I learned how to use the executable shape designer. I managed to "fix" it by changing to human playback and editing the expression before putting it in the score This worked for maybe three or four expressions in a row and it was fantastic, but then it went back to doing what it did before and I don't know what to do.

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Post by motet » Wed Mar 30, 2022 8:04 pm

Can you attach a file exhibiting the problem?

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Post by aysia » Thu Mar 31, 2022 4:28 pm

How do I do that? I'm still fairly new to using finale, what kind of file would I have to export it as?

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Post by motet » Thu Mar 31, 2022 4:39 pm

You should be able to attach your .musx file here by clicking the Attachments tab below the posting box, though the BBS may prohibit attachments because you're new (an effort to curb spam).

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Post by motet » Thu Mar 31, 2022 6:12 pm

If it won't let you attach and you have Dropbox or similar, a link to that would be OK, too.

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Post by aysia » Mon Apr 18, 2022 6:39 pm

So the issues I'm having are super inconsistent. In some places it will do exactly what I tell it to do. Specifically at measure 14, it did exactly what I put in, I told it to ritardando at 90:15, and it did it perfectly. then I changed something, I can't remember what, and it started spazzing out and now nothing that I put in that box will change the playback, literally nothing. I've had this issue also at measure 4 with the diminuendo. In measures 34-47, it ritardandos how i tell it to, but the crescendo stops like four measures in, which is also another one that did what I told it to until I changed something else. I've tried going in and drawing shapes for them, changing the numbers in every box, I changed the human playback to 21st century which is what allowed me to get a few of them right before it started spazzing again. I don't know what to do anymore. Thank you for any help you can provide :!:
dark period .musx
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Post by motet » Mon Apr 18, 2022 9:56 pm

I wonder if HP is smart enough to leave alone those expressions that have a playback shape.

How do you specify the length of the accel., cresc., etc?

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Post by aysia » Tue Apr 19, 2022 1:23 pm

i have no idea how to specify the length. I'll usually put it as the number i want to increase or decrease to the amount of beats i want to do it over, so decrease by 90 beats per minute over fifteen beats for example and i'll put in 90:15 in the second box, I can't remember what it's called. It's just bizarre because, by doing this, i got it to play back exactly how i intended it to a few times, and then it started spazzing out again and, now it plays back exactly the same way every time no matter what values i input

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Post by motet » Tue Apr 19, 2022 6:35 pm

I read up on this and it seems arcane in the extreme. I advise you not to use it if you can help it, but rather, rely on HP to do it for you. If you write accel., then end it with a metronym marking for the new tempo and HP should provide a smooth transition. If you write cresc., provide an ending dynamic.

It looks like the duration of the executable shape is controlled by the grid of the shape you use. The default scale of each grid degree in the X direction is by default an eighth note. You can change that by playing with the time scale ratio but that will result in a coarser change. You could instead edit the shape to make it longer.

Similarly the Y direction specifies increasing or decreasing by one MIDI level, but you can use the level scale to up that.

I think you also need to tell it in the expression's playback tab whether it's tempo or "key velocity" (= volume), for how else would it know?

Perhaps I'm wrong, but my guess is this is an ancient thing that few if any people use anymore. It seems difficult and hokey to me. But perhaps someone here could say otherwise.

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Post by aysia » Wed Apr 20, 2022 4:58 pm

i think i started trying to use the dialogue box because the normal way didn't work. i will give it a try though

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Post by aysia » Thu Apr 21, 2022 2:33 pm

That didn't do anything. When I put in a regular ritardando and put the new tempo at the end, it doesn't change at all, even with human playback

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