Garritan GIFF library gone?

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Post by peerlessnerd » Thu May 05, 2022 7:37 am

Running under 12.3.1 Monterey.

The Garritan GIFF library is gone from Audio Units Banks and Effects, no longer in the pulldown menu. In the past when this has happened I downloaded the app again and Garritan reappeared. I downloaded everything successfully again today and the Garritan library DID load, and "unpack" successfully, but still doesn't appear in Finale.

Where did Garritan GIFF go, and how do I get it back?

I'm guessing I need to move the library from wherever it is, to a folder where Finale 26 can find it?

Is there a thread in the forums about this I am unable to find? Or maybe Garritan GIFF won't run under Monterey?
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Finale Version: Finale 27
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Post by BuonTempi » Thu May 05, 2022 8:11 am

Have you just installed Finale 26? Or just upgraded to Monterey? At what point did it work, and what has changed since?

Certainly, GIFF should work (with a supported version of Finale) under Monterey.

Is GIFF visible in the ARIA Player application or AU plug-in? E.g. Can you select instruments in the player itself?

If you reinstalled Finale (including GIFF) again, then it's likely a configuration problem, rather than files missing or in the wrong place. Make sure you're using Audio Units, not MIDI; check that the GIFF Soundmap is available and selected as the default choice for sound library.

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Post by peerlessnerd » Sun May 08, 2022 6:54 am

Thanks Buon Tempi.

I've been using the latest and last Finale 26 with Garritan GIFF since it was released, and updating Monterey as the recommended updates appear from Apple.
There is no evidence of Garritan anywhere in the Audio Unit Viewer, but Halion and others do appear and are functional.

As an experiment I had Dorico "Clear Audio Engine Cache" under Preferences > VST Plug-ins and rebooted.

Opening Finale, Garritan had reappeared! I loaded the Garritan instruments and saved the Finale file, which did play the correct sounds as usual.

After opening Dorico for a different client project, I went back into Finale and Garritan was gone in the Finale file I had just saved.

Having Dorico and Finale open simultaneously, and opening and closing files in both, eventually causes Finale to hang so hard it won't "force" shut down and I have to push the power switch to re-boot everything.

Is it possible Dorico is somehow disabling Garritan, or moving it to a location Finale can't find? I am having trouble reproducing the exact steps I took to get Garritan to reappear. Is there some kind of conflict in the way Finale and Dorico configure or implement the Mac OS sound libraries or the audio engine?

Not seeing this issue with my clients in Sibelius or MuseScore thus far, but obviously they don't use Garritan.

This isn't a huge issue because I don't rely on notation apps to create serious client audio, but it is annoying and inconvenient when Garritan is gone from Finale, and won't play back anything without loading a different library or MIDI playback.

I worry about the future of my 44,000+ Finale files created since literally version 1.0.
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Finale Version: Finale 27
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Post by BuonTempi » Sun May 08, 2022 10:32 am

I have Dorico and Finale, and often have both open at the same time, and I use Garritan in both of them. So I'm not sure what's going on. I even have the ARIA VST2 plug-ins blocked in Dorico, so only the VST3 plug-ins are used.

But it's not spoiling your files, it's spoiling your app/system setup.

Probably best to submit a support request to MM.

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