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How can we disable vibrato?

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2022 1:42 am
by Djard
In the attached file, I turn down the mod wheel in ARIA Player and audit the sound, using the keyboard. But the mod wheel automatically resets the imposing vibrato, beginning at measure #4, as if the tempo change causes the unwanted effect.

Is it possible to disable vibrato in playback, without disabling Human Playback or selecting another instrument?

Re: How can we disable vibrato?

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2022 7:02 pm
by Djard
There might be a more expedient way to resolve the issue, but the following steps worked for me: I created a new document with the same number of measures, timing, spacing, etc., tiled the old and new documents vertically then copied and pasted the notation from the old into the new. I think saving the document as a MusicXML then back to musx will also clear corrupted formatting, but that usually scatters any added text, expressions, lines and such.